One Life, One Story

Understanding the Bible trough Genesis 1, 2 , and 3

About Us
Plementosh1Life1Story is a shared experience of understanding the Bible. It is not something to say your experience is wrong, God has many ways of teaching and reaching us. It is a story of God's way and how he shared with me the first three books of Genesis. They were shown to me as being the whole Bible. He showed me how all the old mythologies, aliens and our experience are all one. They are loaded with much deception however. I will also cover  thoughts, convenience and rapture vs. tribulation. All these topics were taught to me by the spirit, I truly do not have the  knowledge for this. I pray you can be patient, watch all the videos and enjoy what is being shared. What you do with this information is up to you. I ask you do not believe me but establish a relationship with God and validate me. Enjoy the journey and God bless.
1. If you like this message, please tithe it. Copy it to a thumb drive. Satan has worked hard for me not to get this out. In the event people shut the site down it will be saved. Gods word is always free.
2. If you wish a testimonial I will have to enter it. Just let me know how much personnel imformation you will allow. If you do not then no personnel imformation will be shared.
3. Torwards the end of this site I have shared other web sites, without permission, that have helped me on my journey. Do I agree one hundred percent with them? No. It is however, how God reached them, would I expect them to believe me? No. God touches us all differently. Their are many more sites and people I have viewed and studied, just cannot list them all. I encourage you to go to their sites and follow where God takes you with them.
posted 10/10/2023
Posted 07/15/2023
Posted 07/15/2023
Posted 07/15/2023
Posted 07/15/2023
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Posted 09/02/2023
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